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Angelina Jolie wigs out for Salt

Angelina Jolie’s latest look may surprise, although the character is awfully familiar.

Jolie is starring in the film Salt as a super-spy who has one wicked hairstyle – or should we say, bangs. Bangs!

The film is certainly highly anticipated, any film starring Jolie or her man Brad Pitt is, but whereas in Mr. and Mrs. Smith Jolie was an assassin with international reach, in Salt she is a lethal spy whose playground is the world.

In some ways, not such a stretch, in fact, we believe that other than The Changeling, Jolie has been mailing in her performances of late.

Hello, Wanted! We love you when you act Angie and Wanted, although fun, who was that character?

Now the blonde ‘do is not Jolie’s only look in the film.

Would Jennifer Garner have one outfit and wig combo in Alias?

I think not.

Jolie also sports a blonde wig as she transverses the globe being her bad spy self.

“She’s a character you never know. People who think they know the real her may or may not.

Those who think they can tell whether she’s in a disguise also may or may not. You’re supposed to be kept guessing,” Producer Lorenzo di Bonaventure tells USA Today.

“She tells you her agenda, but are you supposed to believe it?”

The most fascinating aspect of the entire Salt moviemaking process is the fact that the role was initially written and cast for Tom Cruise.

Can’t picture Tom in a blonde wig?

Us either, but seriously the character was originally crafted as an American answer to James Bond.

When Jolie flashed interest, the spy’s gender changed.

We salute the character alteration!

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