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Britney Spears legal fees astounding

Britney Spears, as everyone knows, has legal troubles. But looking at her legal price tag, one would never expect such a six-figure cost to be Britney Spears.

When you’re famous, little things (or even not so little), tend to cost a lot of money.

This brings us to Britney Spears, for example. Are you sitting down? Seriously, get a chair for this one.

Britney Spears’ legal fees cost $2.7 million. Then again, compared to her album sales, tour revenue and everything else, in comparison it’s chump change but still.

We simply have to repeat it for effect: $2.7 million for the work of lawyers.

Here’s the scoop: $417,000 of the total amount represented fees when Britney legally ended her marriage to Kevin Federline. Let’s not forget the custody battle with KFed ensued and alas, so did the legal fees.

Lawyers for Britney Spears’ father filed a document to outline the cost of his court-ordered control of her business endeavors.

Apparently fees were doled out among seventeen lawyers and corresponding firms, of which one million represented Spears’ attorneys.

As for the good news?

Reports have indicated now that the focused efforts have been implemented, Britney Spears has gotten her life on track, stabilized, and for the better.

Britney’s mental health is on the upswing and she’s gained visitation with her children and her career is back on track.

Britney Spears’ latest video, If U Seek Amy:


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