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Is Britney Spears being drugged?

Britney Spears suspects her father of keeping her drugged, says a friend of the pop star.

No doubt Britney is in far better mental health than she was in her head-shaving, umbrella-smashing days of not-so-long ago — but at what price? The Circus singer thinks her father/conservator might be keeping her drugged to keep her bringing in the cash.

A source says:

“Britney is sure her father is out to get her and that he’s drugging her to turn her into a zombie who won’t fight back. Ever since her breakdown last year when she was hospitalized, she’s been on prescription pills to battle her panic attacks. Her doctors have also prescribed anti-anxiety drugs Valium and Ativan to deal with stress and to help her sleep. As part of the court-ordered conservatorship, Jamie has to make sure Britney takes the correct dosage because she forgets to take them otherwise. But lately she’s been nodding off randomly in the middle of conversations and is convinced it’s because Jamie’s giving her too much much.”

Apparently Britney is the only one allowed to be drugged.

She interrupted a concert last week after three songs because audience members were smoking pot near the front of the stage. Jamie Spears fired three of Britney’s dancers back in March for suspected drug use.

No comment from the Spears camp on the Ativan-in-the-cheese grits allegations, but there’s no doubt Daddy runs a tight ship — and what woman in her mid-twenties wouldn’t be resentful of that?

Read on for more Britney Spears

Britney fan site shut down
Britney Spears call for help
Britney Spears Circus comes to town

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