Ryan Seacrest is in love. The American Idol host was spotted in Paris with new girlfriend Jasmine Waltz.
Seacrest’s new squeeze must be serious. Superstars don’t go to Paris if the relationship is not serious. Just ask Kate Hudson and Owen Wilson or Kate Hudson and Lance Armstrong…or Kate Hudson and insert guy here!
Maybe we’re rushing all this love talk, but it’s good to know the talented host of American Idol, E! executive producer and radio show host is creating time for a girlfriend. The man took over Hollywood, it’s nice to see him date.Apparently Ryan recently jetted to Paris with his girlfriend, Jasmine Waltz. The Idol host met the L.A. bartender one night at a West Hollywood Lounge. She’s an aspiring actress and has formerly worked at other L.A. nightspots as well like Bella, an Italian restaurant. He has previously been linked with various starlets such as Teri Hatcher.Could this man do no wrong? Ryan Seacrest has once said his career roadmap will follow suit in the likes of Dick Clark and it’s no surprise it seems he has already arrived! Ryan’s radio show gets 20 million listeners across 130 stations internationally! It will expand to a fourth hour of programming starting in early May.While he seems to have it all — talent, looks, fame — it’s refreshing to see he now has a love interest. After all, Ryan Seacrest has got to be one of the hardest working people in Hollywood!
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