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10 Hot male stars – then and now!


Mickey Rourke

Mickey Rourke enjoyed a life most men dream of in the ’80s: gorgeous and rich with a brilliant acting career, working with some of the world’s most beautiful women. But as his behavior became more and more erratic, the acting jobs dried up — and Rourke decided to go back to his first love, boxing. Bad move.

A few hard punches destroyed Rourke’s nose and cheekbones, leading to the plastic surgery disaster we see today.

Pierce Brosnon

Arguably the greatest James Bond since Sean Connery, Pierce Brosnan brought his considerable good looks, charismatic personality and rapier wit to each role he played.

Today Brosnan is less concerned with keeping a physique worthy of fighting off enemy spies than with his environmental and charitable work.

Richard Gere

An officer, a gentleman, and every woman’s fantasy: all roles Richard Gere enjoyed from his days as an American Gigolo through his wooing of Pretty Woman Julia Roberts.

Today, while it appears that Gere is definitely keeping up with his manscaping — notice he still has a baby-smooth chest — he could definitely suffer through a few situps.

Rod Stewart

What’s worse: the giant black thatch about to escape from the orange-and-blue-striped Speedo on Rod Stewart back in the day, or the fact that a bloated, 60-something singer is still wearing banana hammocks?

You decide!

Russell Crowe

Aussie actor Russell Crowe left us longing for the days of chariots and swordfights as the hottest Gladiator this side of Rome.

Today marriage, babies, age and an aversion to personal grooming have left his former ruggedly handsome looks nothing more than a memory.

Val Kilmer

Tom Cruise may have received most of the fanfare for Top Gun, but Val Kilmer easily outshone him in the looks department. Sadly, today Kilmer seems to have taken a page from the Marlon Brando school of hard knocks, letting his acting career slide along with his formerly gorgeous face — and body.


Remember the volleyball scene in Top Gun? Enough said.

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