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Black Eyed Peas delicious Boom Boom Pow

Black Eyed Peas are back. Fergie, and the rest of pop’s chameleons have announced their return with the insatiably delicious Ear Candy known as Boom Boom Pow!

After helped elect President Obama and orchestrated a solo career for Fergie that legions of pop princess should emulate, Will, Fergie, Taboo and issue the summer’s first sonically succulent.

Fergie, after becoming Fergalicious and Glamorous on The Dutchess, soars on Boom Boom Pow:

People in the place,
If you want to get down,
Put your hands in the air drop the beat now

Gazing over pop music’s landscape, are there artists who exemplify the Boom Boom Pow moniker as perfectly as the Peas’? We think not. In the last half-decade, no one has dropped the salaciously scandalous musical menagerie that gets your toes tapping as and his Black Eyed Peas cohorts.

When Fergie first signed on to become the female voice of reason in the Black Eyed Peas’ sound, promised the burgeoning singer when the time was right he would shepherd a solo album that would make Fergie synonymous with entertainment icon.

Duchess was that reward for BEP loyalty. Hearing Fergie’s passion for her vocals on Boom Boom Pow as a hint of what is to come on their forthcoming album leaves us heady with anticipation for the entire Black Eyed Peas record.

Hip-hop songs have struggled to remain relevant. By injecting the year into their flow, immediately a track is dated. What the Black Eyed Peas have always done is remained ahead of the rest of the pack.

On Boom Boom Pow the result is the same. Listen to Fergie:

I’m so 3008,
You’re so 2000-and-late,
I got that Boom-Boom-Boom – that future Boom-Boom-Boom.

And there you have it — the secret to the Black Eyed Peas’ stew of deliciously catchy songs. When others are declaring their relevance by year, BEP is rapping about being ‘so 3008.’

Now that is forward thinking.

Black Eyed Peas: Boom Boom Pow

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