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Film fashion: insight from legend Gabrielle Teare

Johnny Depp dominates

Johnny Depp who is a living fashion icon, starring in Pirates of the Caribbean, initiated another round of Pirate fashion.

Not since the 1980’s with Adam Ant, has swashbuckling style been so in fashion!

Meryl is the Devil

The Devil Wears Prada saw Meryl Streep 2006 with stunning grey hair in severely chic and elegant clothes whilst her younger underlings struggled to keep up.

This was a serious fashion lady, helped by free clothes and a seemingly endless budget she looked just tremendous.

Fisher’s Shopaholic

In Confessions of a Shopaholic we have Rebecca working hard, earning very little, but still determined to keep up to the minute.

As an often inspired shopaholic a series of eclectic, whimsical, and original outfits ensue.

Bold contrasting colours, leopard-skin, tartans, plaids, and chic monochrome outfits abound. Brilliant accessories colour matched such as flowers, gold metal belts, fur boots in pink, show Rebecca is a girl who stands out, is adventurous but at the same time wears high fashion.

The sheer exhilarating fun of so much of the fashion makes her memorable and copied.

Becky even has a Facebook app so that you can send favourite items to friends.

Finally…Chanel gets the big screen treatment

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