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Sarah Pekkanen gets the Chick Lit spotlight

Chick lit or no?

SheKnows: How do you feel about the label “chick lit”?

Sarah Pekkanen: I love chick lit! I think people who use the label in a negative way probably haven’t read chick lit. As in every other genre, there is a wide range of books – some
better than others.

SheKnows: What is the secret life of Sarah Pekkanen? What would your fans/readers find most surprising about you?

Sarah Pekkanen: I’m obsessed with chocolate, but that’s hardly a secret, since I’m constantly asking my friends if they have
any in their purses and gobbling down old M&Ms I find under my kids’ car seats. My secret is that I probably watch more Reality TV than is
good for me. Sorry I have nothing juicier.

SheKnows: If you could cast the movie version of your book, who would you pick for the main characters?

Sarah Pekkanen: Oh, maybe Reese Witherspoon for the lead, and I’d need someone absolutely gorgeous to play the role of Alex, the twin sister of my main character — maybe Amy Adams
or Katherine Heigl.

SheKnows: Favorite books that were made into movies and it worked?

Sarah Pekkanen:In Her Shoes and Seabiscuit.

SheKnows: If you weren’t a writer, you would be a…?

Sarah Pekkanen: Possibly a teacher. Kids just crack me up and I love being around them. Although being a teacher is such a difficult job! I’d like to think I could do it, though.

SheKnows: Do you think that social media sites like Facebook and Twitter have changed your world as a new author?

She’s Tweeting!

Sarah Pekkanen: I’ve just started Tweeting and getting sucked in. Facebook has been a wonderful way to stay connected with book lovers and “meet” other authors online. If
anyone reading this wants to Friend or Follow me, I’d love it! There is a lot of pressure on authors to blog and maintain online communities, which eats away at the writing time, but for me it’s
fun. I like meeting new people and hearing about their lives.

SheKnows: What are you working on now?

Sarah Pekkanen: My second book — which doesn’t have a title yet. I’m awful with titles. My poor editor had to think up the title for The Opposite of Me after I kept
coming up with duds.

SheKnows: Advice for other writers?

Sarah Pekkanen: Try to write a page a day, and you’ll finish your book in a year. Don’t make the initial pages perfect – just write!

The lightning round!

SheKnows: Okay, time for our popular lightning round!

Vampires or werewolfs? Werewolfs (grrr… sorry, that was supposed to be a sexy growl)

Hardback or paperback or kindle? Paperback
Facebook or Twitter?
Facebook (but I’m getting the hang of Twitter!)

iPod or CDs? iPod

Mac or PC? Mac

Big mac or big hair? Big hair

Jennifer or Angelina? Team Jen!

Brad Pitt or Bradley Cooper? Brad Pitt (grrr…)

Project RunwayorThe Runaway Bunny? Project Runway

Kris Allen or Adam Lambert? Adam Lambert

Early riser or night owl? Um, neither!

Another baby or another book? Another book (I’ve already got three kids!)

Read on for more SheKnows Chick Lit

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Allison Winn Scotch exclusive interview

Guest blog from Liz Fenton and Lisa Steinke: Chick Lit is back!

6 chick lit beach bag musts

The Divorce Party review

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