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Britney Spears on Letterman

Britney Spears went on Late Night with David Letterman last night talking about why she should be President.

Britney, who must be the object of a huge crush on Dave’s part for how often he has her on the show, perched on the edge of a desk in a skimpy bikini and discussed some very compelling platforms
for her candidacy as the night’s Top Ten list:

Britney Spears top 10 reasons she should be president

10. I’d be the first president to wear eye shadow since Nixon

9. We would only invade fun places like Cabo

8. Free pie for everybody

7. My situation room would be a cabana at the Palms Casino in Vegas

6. I’d lure Osama out of hiding with the irresistible scent of my new fragrance Circus Fantasy

5. Every presidential news conference would feature costume changes.

4. America might have a more coherent fiscal strategy

3. Challenge U.S. to put nightclub on the moon by end of decade

2. Three words: Vice President Diddy

1. Finally the media would pay some attention to me.

No universal healthcare option? Bah. Maybe some government subsidized weave care services instead…

Read on for more Britney

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