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Project Runway welcomes Rebecca Romjin

Project Runway gets a guest judge in Rebecca Romjin on tonight’s episode and we’ve got your full video preview!

America’s Got Talent recap

Last night, the final five acts were chosen to go through to the semi-finals of America’s Got Talent and there were a number of surprises. Right off the bat, I thought something was hinky
with the way Nick was handling the first two acts, Drew Stevyns and The EriAm Sisters. He’s always very precise in his language so they understand whether he’s about to announce a loser or winner.
This time he wasn’t so precise, so I was suspicious and sure enough, after making those poor little girls think they had lost, he announced that they too were going through.

To even out the score, the next set of three were all cut loose including the African High Flyers, Pam Martin’s Top Dogs and predictably Coney Island Chris who squirted water through his glasses as
if crying buckets of tears. Oh please.

The next group surprised me, not when tap/guitar duo Matt & Anthony were let go, but when Bollywood dancers Ishaara were sent packing too. Recycled Percussion made the cut. I think they could
be good but they need to do something to change up their act.

Predictably, opera singer Barbara Padilla won out over strippers The Lollipop Girls, then it was down to Mia Boostrom and mini-ballroom dancers Eric & Rickie. Incredibly, the judges go with the
ballroom duo. I’m surprised not because they aren’t talented, but I simply don’t see them playing Vegas.

So that’s it. We’re on to the next
round of America’s Got Talent and I’m left wondering why they insist on comparing apples and oranges. For example, they had two dog acts in the round – why not make them go head to head
and may the best pup win.

This way the lesser act made it through against lighter competition. Pam Martin should have had the animal act spot but alas, it’s back to kids birthday parties for her and Spy.

Top Chef Las Vegas recap

Turning briefly to Top Chef: Las Vegas, I have to say that I was
surprised and annoyed by the attitude of chef Ashley who strenuously objected to a Bachelor/Bachelorette party challenge because she’s gay.

Seriously! She said that they shouldn’t have to do any wedding related challenges until gay couples across the nation can legally marry. What does one thing have to do with the other? Suppose one
contestant can’t conceive, should they ban baby shower challenges? Look, I’m all for equal rights and people speaking up for themselves, but making an issue out of your sexuality in a cooking
competition just seems like a sympathy ploy. By the end of the night it was wallflower Eve who was sent packing and good thing, because as much as Ashley annoyed me, at least she had a personality.

Tonight’s top TV picks:

Big Brother 11 (8:00 CBS)

Jeff claims that the secret to his success is that he has been offering up beers to the Buddha in the kitchen. I always wondered why that little guy had such a round belly. More drama, more laughs
and another big challenge — it’s Big Brother time.

Project Runway (10:00 Lifetime)

And speaking of round bellies, the Project Runway designers will be working with just that. They’ll be tasked
with designing a maternity outfit to please guest judge Rebecca Romjin.

Project Runway preview:

Royal Pains (10:00 USA)

In this, the first season finale, Hank treats a woman suffering from hallucinations and Charlie moves back in with Jill, which leaves her thinking long and hard about her true feelings for Hank.

News & notable

According to EW, Superman’s Brandon Routh will be joining Chuck for a short arc.

In a huge casting coup, Sarah Connor’s Summer Glau is moving to Joss Whedon’s Dollhouse.

Fox is in development on a TV show based on yet another ’80s movie. This time it’s the Winona Ryder chick flick Heathers.

MTV is now in the business of producing original movies for the network. They’re shooting to have four movies a year.

Photo credit:

Top Chef — Pictured: Ashley — Bravo Photo: Trae Patton

Big Brother — Pictured: Jeff and Jordan. Photo: Monty Brinton/CBS 2009 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Project Runway — Photo credit Mike Yarish/Lifetime Networks 2009

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Project Runway season 6 preview

Tonight on Reality TV

Project Runway alum goes Gown Crazy

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