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Paula Abdul on Ellen DeGeneres joining Idol

Paula Abdul wishes Ellen DeGeneres the “best of luck.” The former American Idol judge was sending the newest American Idol judge good fortune — despite what tabloid reports may be hoping.

Abdul Twittered her announcement that she was leaving American Idol, so why shouldn’t she Tweet her response to Fox
hiring Ellen as her replacement.

“I think Ellen will b a gr8 judge on Idol,” Abdul said in her September 10 Tweet. “She is wildly funny, talented and I wish her the best of luck!”

When the Ellen DeGeneres being cast on American Idol news broke, the first thing that came to mind is how much Ellen adores
dancing. Although she cannot sing, her dancing movements to the musical interpretation — as she does everyday on The Ellen DeGeneres Show — will provide a certain amount of advice for
the stiff-moving American Idol contestants that litter the Idol stage.

DeGeneres is also not shy in saying how she will handle the big, bad, American Idol wolf in Simon Cowell.

“I’ll tell him the same thing I tell him when he’s on my show — that he’s mean,” DeGeneres said. “You can be constructive, and you can criticize someone in a way that’s helpful
and not mean-spirited.”

It took barely 24 hours for Abdul to respond to
the Fox casting of DeGeneres. The talk show host is also quite sensitive to the fact that the perception may exist that she is taking
Abdul’s job. A notion, she wants to cease.

I hope Paula is OK with it,” DeGeneres said to American Idol Ryan Seacrest. “I don’t want anybody to think that I took Paula’s job away.”

Judging by Abdul’s quick response – no on will believe Ellen took Paula’s job.

…or do you?

And if you believe that Ellen is everywhere, that is truly the case. “Yesterday I took a bagging job at Whole Foods,” DeGeneres joked to Seacrest. “I’m trying to keep up
with you.”

Read on for more American Idol

Ellen DeGeneres scores Paula’s Idol job

Paula Abdul quits American Idol

Adam Lambert speaks!

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