Blacksummer‘s gets three records
SheKnows: And such a prolific project for you that has come out in three parts. To have it get that energy with each new aspect, as an artist, that’s kind of a unique thing, I would think, because normally you release an album, and then you go do your thing, and then come back with another, but this has been one long journey for you.
Maxwell: Yeah and coupled with the fact that it’s a three album project that was in the works all those years and you wonder, “Well, I wrote this song at this time”; will they measure up in this day and age when sounds can shift and change in the blink of an eye. One person who dominates the radio could literally be gone from your consciousness or even your knowledge; it’s amazing how fast it can go. Those concerns weigh pretty heavily on me sometimes with new releases, but it’s great to see that the music can mean anything at anytime it’s ever heard. A lot of great things here that have happened and I’m just trying to stay on course; I don’t want to lose my focus or get distracted because I feel like there’s a mission behind what these releases will represent, hopefully, in the future. So I hope it happens.
SheKnows: I wanted to ask about the act of songwriting and how I, personally, think in the realm of the arts world, I don’t think there’s anything where an artist puts themselves out there more, than by writing a song and the lyrics. When audiences first started hearing you, was that a difficult task was it almost cathartic? I know it can be anywhere in between for some people.
Maxwell: It’s a wild child, you know, in that it can be the sweetest thing and sleeps every night and laughs and coos and does all that, and then sometimes it’s just a crying mess of frustration and no way out and no understanding. When you’re trying to work on a song, you know, it’s the boss. I think I’ve learned that each song that’s ever been written is better written when you take its lead. That comes better and easier at times than others. The best thing is to just really come from the heart and have a little faith that it will go where it tells you and that it works out, but we’re all human and you never know. That’s why, in some ways; it’s great when things work out because you really can see why you should be really appreciative of it. All artists have certain cycles of their careers where they can do no wrong. And they save a little bit of that, that’s just the way cycles go. I’m just happy that my time away has given me a lot everyday life experience that I probably never would have had if I was just out there chasing celebrity and notoriety and fame or whatever. I’m excited because I feel like I have enough in my bag that I can, sort of, spread out in the next two or three years that hopefully will do something good out there in music and people. We’ll see.
Up next…Maxwell on performing for 100 versus 100 million!
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