SheKnows was thrilled to visit the best-selling author of The Princess Diaries andthe Airhead series. Cabot took time out of her busy schedule (as I’m typing this, she’s jet setting out to LA for her current book tour) to talk Runaway, the third and final Airhead book.
The fabulous and ever so funny Cabot, who has legions of fans, dishes on some other fun parts of her personal life as well — like her obsession with miniature Heath bar candies and why young adult novels like hers, and others, appeal to adults of all ages.
Cabot comes clean
SheKnows: Tell us a bit about the Airhead series?
Meg Cabot: Tomboy-brainiac Em Watts is the victim of a horrifying accident (or was it an accident?) that ends up with her brain medically transplanted into the body of someone else, supermodel and Stark spokesmodel Nikki Howard. Who did it and why? Will Em ever get her old life back? Or will she forever be trapped in this nightmare?
SheKnows: If you had to compare Emerson and Nikki — their personalities, their relationship — how would you sum them up?
Meg Cabot: Emerson’s a Mathlete with low self-esteem who wouldn’t know a Louboutin from a Ramen noodle. Nikki’s an ego maniac with a libido as big as her bank account. And did I mention they’re both legally dead and technically alive at the same time, in separate bodies?
SheKnows: What’s the scoop on the latest in the series, Runaway?
Meg Cabot: Em is finally going to find out the truth behind both the new product Stark Enterprises (the corporation behind the “accident” that made her a member of the “Walking Dead”) is rolling out and what really happened to Nikki. This is the final book in the series. There’s also a resolution to Em’s on-again-off-again romance with shmexy classmate Christopher.
SheKnows: If you could cast the movie or TV version of the series, what actresses-actors would you hire for which parts?
Meg Cabot: Honestly, put yourself in my shoes: What if this book were The Princess Diaries and I didn’t know who Anne Hathaway was (which, way back in 2000, I didn’t — no one did!)? I’d have said some actress other than Anne Hathaway. And then Anne would have gotten the part and might see this and think she wasn’t my first choice. Her feelings would be so hurt! So, obviously, I never answer this question.
SheKnows: What do you think readers love about your books?
Meg Cabot: Aw, thanks for saying that! Maybe because they can relate to the characters? We all feel a little like outsiders from time to time. But hopefully we also get to feel like winners sometimes, too!
SheKnows: What’s on your nightstand?
Meg Cabot: Right now? A bag of mini-Heath bars and the remote control.
SheKnows: What are your all-time favorite authors? Favorite book?
Meg Cabot: I kind of hate this question, because I’m such a book slut. I’ll pretty much read anything, and I love about a million books. But lately my favorite has been Cold Comfort Farm by Stella Gibbons. There’s a movie version with Kate Beckinsale that I love, too. But the book is better, obviously.
Up next Meg shares exclusive insight into her must-haves and why YA is worthy of its current boom!
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