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MTV Movie Awards: Best and worst dressed

MTV MOVIE AWARDS: Best & Worst Dressed

Believe it or not, this outfit is actually quite subdued for flamboyant figure skater Johnny Weir. But still, gold lamé? A black tulle Elizabethan collar? Really? PS — No socks with men’s dress shoes looks really, really uncomfortable.

I like Katy Perry, I really do. I think she’s sassy and would probably be a blast to go drinking with. That being said, it looks like Katy started drinking without me while she was getting dressed. Looks like she washed her hair in toilet bowl cleaner.

Lindsay Lohan thinks we’ll forget that she’s a raging alcoholic with zero respect for the law if we can’t see her SCRAM anklet, so she kept covered in this hideous jumpsuit. Her braless breasts look as deflated as her career. And by the way, people have feet and we should be able to see them when you’re wearing pants.

Read on for more MTV Movie Awards

MTV Movie Awards: The full recap
Tom Cruise rocks the MTV Movie Awards
Fresh from the MTV Movie Awards: An Eclipse sneak peak

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