Taylor talks robert pattinson
SheKnows: Robert Pattinson talked about the best line in the movie when you say, “I’m hotter than you.” When you read that…
Taylor Lautner: Keeping a straight face was the tough thing [laughs]. That was another line where, when I read it, I loved the line, but I was like, “This is going to be so hard to deliver, especially with a straight face.” I was looking Rob in the eyes, and he was staring at me with that Edward look. That was difficult to say to Rob.
SheKnows: The love triangle is central to Twilight, ever been in one yourself?
Taylor Lautner: Maybe when I was younger, in elementary school. There was a girl and five guys wanted to be with that girl. When you’re in the fifth grade, you have crushes, but not seriously. I’ve never been in a love triangle. I would not want to be in that situation. I wouldn’t want to be in Jacob’s or Edward’s situations. It’s not fun.
SheKnows: Excited for Breaking Dawnto be two films?
Taylor Lautner: I think that was definitely the right thing to do. It’s hard enough to break down 500-plus pages into a 110 or 120 page script, but this one is 800 pages and there’s just so much going on with the Wolf Pack and the baby. I’m looking forward to it.
The Twilight nation
SheKnows: Any weird fan scenes for you?
Taylor Lautner: I wouldn’t say they were weird, just passionate. I was just in Australia about a week ago or so, at this big fan event, and there was a red carpet. There were 4,000 fans and I was walking down the line, and fans like to hold out their hand or arm for you to sign. This one arm I went by had a massive tattoo of the Wolf Pack. It was a real one, and it was pretty cool. She was like, “Can you sign it?” and I was like, “Sure!” The next day, somebody told me that the girl got my signature tattooed right underneath the Wolf Pack tattoo. I didn’t know whether or not to say that was cool, or feel bad that I signed her arm. That’s definitely some passion there.
SheKnows: Is it hard to stay normal and down-to-earth, as clearly you are?
Taylor Lautner: It definitely is about surrounding yourself with family and the friends that you’ve known forever. All of us live in two completely different worlds, and they are complete opposites. This is our job. We go to work and live in this business world, and then we go back to our regular world. We do the same things we did before. We’re not that exciting.
SheKnows: Next up you have Abduction, talk about a fascinating premise for a movie!
Taylor Lautner:Abduction actually is an interesting story. It’s about a high school senior who finds a picture of himself on a missing persons’ web site only to realize that his whole life, for 18 years, has been a lie. I start in three weeks.
Twilight: An Eclipse of memories
SheKnows: Why do you think people will like Eclipse?
Taylor Lautner: If you like the first and second movies, then you are definitely going to like this movie. If you haven’t seen the first or second movies, you’re still going to like it. It basically takes everything — the romance, the action, the suspense, the danger, everything in the first two movies — and times it by five in this one. It’s by far my favorite movie. They’re at war the entire time, but you still have that romance, and it’s elevated because this is the height of the triangle. Edward and Jacob are forced to team up together and protect Bella from Victoria and Riley, who are after her. That was a very long way of telling you why you should see this movie [laughs].
SheKnows: When Breaking Dawn finishes, are there any props or anything from the Twilight Saga you’d like to take home with you?
Taylor Lautner: Probably those little jean shorts. They have a lot of value. I’m going to miss those shorts, dearly [laughs].
SheKnows: Lastly, what would people find interesting about you that they don’t already know?
Taylor Lautner: I love American Idol, definitely. So You Think You Can Dance as well, but American Idol would definitely be number one for me. I haven’t missed an episode in eight or nine years. I can’t believe I just said that [laughs].
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Taylor Lautner is not dead as another internet rumor hits
Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson dish New Moon
Taylor Lautner keeps his job as Jacob, remember when?
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