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Katy Perry rocks Rolling Stone

Katy Perry bares just about all in Rolling Stone magazine’s new cover story, Sex, God and Katy Perry: The Hard Road and Tough Times of a Fallen Angel. tells the story of Katy Perry’s Rolling Stone cover that features Perry wearing nothing but a neutral panty and bra set. Flip through the pages and you’ll find the California Gurl wearing even less!

A topless look has Katy Perry wearing nothing but fishnet stockings, while another look has her sporting daisy dukes and busting out of her top.

The hot shots have folks comparing the feature to last month’s racy Lady Gaga Rolling Stone shoot, while also crying “airbrushing foul.” Needless to say, it’s a very different look than she sports on the cover of the September issue of Seventeen Magazine, which hits stands August 10!

While Perry bares almost all in the Rolling Stone photos, she also doesn’t hold back with the interview. The rocker reflects on fame, other femme performers, why Perry loves fiance Russell Brand, growing up the daughter of two strict Christian pastors and yes, even speaking in tongues.

“Speaking in tongues is as normal to me as: Pass the salt,” Perry told Rolling Stone. “A lot of religions use meditation or chanting. It’s a secret, direct prayer language to God. My dad speaks in tongues and my mom interprets it. That’s their gift.”

A true performer of this generation, Katy Perry admits to the sin of vanity and her penchant for Googling herself as she stated, “Any artist who says they don’t Google their name is a big fat liar.”

That said, she doesn’t deny the whole thing is “a little gross.”

“When you look at other celebrities’ Twitter feeds and see them posting about something they read about themselves on a Google Alert, it’s like, “Uh, maybe you should stop Googling yourself every day.” The world does not spin around you,” she said.

Katy Perry also speaks to her infamous tweet that, “Using blasphemy as entertainment is as cheap as a comedian telling a fart joke,” which many assumed was aimed at Lady Gaga’s Alejandro video.

“I am sensitive to Russell taking the Lord’s name in vain and to Lady Gaga putting a rosary in her mouth,” Perry said. “I think when you put sex and spirituality in the same bottle and shake it up, bad things happen. Yes, I said I kissed a girl, but I didn’t say I kissed a girl while (expletive) a crucifix.”

While Perry doesn’t always appreciate her fiance’s religious jabs, she has accepted Brand’s heroin and sex-fueled past and seems to believe the recovering addict is just the cultural messiah to save America.

“The thing that attracts me to Russell, other than his gorgeous Sampson hair, is his light, his energy, his constant search, drive, ambition,” she told Rolling Stone. “I think he’s going to change people’s lives. He’s going to help them remember why we exist, and it’s not for Heidi [Montag] and Spencer [Pratt], celebrity culture or fame or crotch shots or box-office movies.”

“His pilgrimage is spiritual,” she adds. “I think his destination will be complete nirvana.”

The Katy Perry issue of Rolling Stone hits stands Wednesday, August 11.

Read on for more Katy Perry

Katy Perry’s California Gurls single
Katy Perry’s Esquire expose
Katy Perry backs off Alejandro comments

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