Canadian songstress Sarah McLachlan is back on the music scene in a big way this year with the just-completed Lilith Fair, a new album and a fall tour. We like her new music, but we love her biggest hits. Take a trip down memory lane with a few of our favorite Sarah McLachlan songs.
Think back to the music of the 1990s. What comes to mind? If you’re like us, we spent the majority of the decade listening to everything from The Spice Girls to Nirvana to Sarah McLachlan songs. The Spice girls and Nirvana are no more, but Sarah McLachlan is back on the scene in 2010 with her soothing brand of folk-pop music.
In honor of her new album Laws of Illusion and her upcoming North American tour, we’re revisiting some of our favorite Sarah McLachlan songs. Check out the videos and just try not to sing along.
Angel (1997)
This tear-jerker is probably one of the most well-known Sarah McLachlan songs, thanks in large part to the omnipresent ACPCA commercials. The images of adorable animals along with this song is enough to reduce even the toughest bad boys to tears.
Ice Cream (1993)
What’s better than ice cream? Well, apparently love according to this song included on McLachlan’s breakthough album Fumbling Toward Ecstacy. This syrupy-sweet ode is still a great way to declare your love for that special someone, though we’re not sure love is that much better than Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey. Just sayin’.
Adia (1997)
This song is McLachlan’s apology to her best friend for dating, and eventually marrying, her ex-boyfriend. Yikes! We hope all is forgiven between the two now — really, who could stay mad after that sort of apology?
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