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Lady Gaga bares her butt for Born This Way

Lady Gaga has released a teaser photo to promote her new album, Born This Way. Gaga’s album photo features her baring her butt. Wait, what do you mean you’re not shocked? It’s her butt! Oh, you’ve seen it already? Yeah, us too!

Lady Gaga rang in the New Year on Twitter by announcing that her new album, Born This Way, would be released May 23.

That means plenty of brand new fancy outfits to promote it. Not sure how she could top the meat dress, but hey, it will certainly be fun to see what she comes up with. Perhaps a set of trousers made of Atari 2600 cartridges or a lovely cow dung frock.

I’m just kidding, really. It’s actually a nice change to see someone innovate in that way.

Whether it’s for shock value or not, Lady Gaga certainly has her own style and makes no apologies for it. That said, I wonder if she’s gone so far that nothing is left to shock us with.

To promote her new album, Gaga has released a photo of herself in a denim jacket and no pants. No Hanky Panky thong either. No, the lady is bare-bottomed.

If a photo of Taylor Swift showed up showing her butt, we’d all faint from shock. But Lady Gaga? I’m actually surprised at how tame this one is.

It reminds me of the George MichaelFaith video…minus the pants.

So what do you guys think? Are you looking at the photo in utter disbelief? Does a bare butt bother you? Or would you have preferred a more ground-breaking shot?

Keep in mind, this is only a teaser, not the album cover.

Let us know what you think below.

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