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Colin Firth’s Academy Award Best Actor afterthoughts

Sure, Colin Firth was the favorite to win Best Actor at the 2011 Academy Awards, but that fact didn’t lessen the personal impact for the actor winning his first Oscar for his role in The King’s Speech.

Colin Firth gave one of the best acceptance speeches at the 2011 Academy Awards for his role in The King’s Speech. Fans of the actor were cheering all over the globe as the man who will always be the best Mr. Darcy was clutching an Academy Award.

Imagine the thrill as we caught his next words after concluding his eloquent Oscar acceptance speech.

Colin Firth finds Oscar gold

SheKnows: This film has inspired millions to literally speak out, how does that aspect of the film’s resonance sit with you?

Colin Firth: Quite obviously speech therapists and people who have difficulties with their speech of whatever kind, have responded to it, and that is very powerful to me to be on the receiving end of that kind of feedback because what we do is very often, it’s justifiably judged as completely and utterly frivolous. I think frivolity is also very important. That’s a whole other argument. But the fact is that it overlaps with something that has connected with or resonated with people who’ve, you know, feel they’ve been heard about something for the first time.

SheKnows: What do you make of The King’s Speech and its universal embracing by audiences from all corners of the globe?

Colin Firth: What has struck me is the emotional response to it seems to be very, very personal. It’s quite diverse. It’s probably the most valuable thing of all to me. I don’t think it sent a message. I just think maybe it shines a light on something which badly needed it.

SheKnows: After a year of talking about the King of England, are you ready to leave Bertie behind?

Colin Firth: Yeah, I am. Yeah, I’ve started having fantasies about what I’ll do. No, it’s lovely company. No, I think I’m going to cook a lot. I don’t think I’m particularly good at it but I’m going to inflict my cooking on anybody within range, but I tend to find that’s a very good way to decompress. I’ll probably be the only one eating it but that’s what I’m going to do [laughs].

Colin sings? Hardly!

SheKnows: Is now the time to sing as you mentioned during your acceptance speech?

Colin Firth: No. I was struggling with the containment in that moment and I think I need some quality time alone. I don’t think this is the particular forum to display that. Anyone having seen Mamma Mia will know what I’m talking about.

SheKnows: Tom (Hooper) was kind of an upset victory tonight for Best Director. What was it about his direction that was so compelling for you?

Colin Firth: The very first thing that Tom shot on me was a single shot of me in the first scene where Bertie meets Logue. That’s kind of baptism by fire in a story like this. Normally, you would kick off with something easy like walking down a corridor or getting out of a car and then the crew will get to know each other. And once we’re all safely in the zone, then you can start to get into the more serious stuff, and then you might eventually start with a wide master shot with two actors, three actors. And you’ll know that you’re establishing the scene first, the critical stuff.

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