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Rebecca Black video yanked from YouTube

Rebecca Black‘s now infamous music video “Friday” was briefly removed from YouTube today, sending fans into a panic. How on earth will we know what day it is?

What the heck happened to Rebecca Black?

Just as we were about to fire up her song “Friday” and tuck back into blissful reverie about our favorite weekday, the video went AWOL on YouTube. Noooooooo!

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The video, which Black produced on a $2,000 budget (courtesy of her mama bear), has reached 69 million views on YouTube, making it at once the most loved and hated song of all time. One critic called the lyrics “trite” and the production quality “poor.” Hundreds of others decided to spread the haterade a bit more by posting spoof videos. But by and large, the reaction has been, “Why can’t I get this song out of my head?”

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OK, so back to the case of the missing Rebecca Black video on YouTube.

Patrice Wilson, owner of Black’s label, Ark Music Factory, said the account was hacked and should now be up and running.

But it still appears to be missing — and we are now left to contemplate whether to be “sittin’ in the front seat” or “kickin’ in the backseat”… all alone (sad face).

Do you miss Rebecca Black’s “Friday” on YouTube? Or are your ears rejoicing?

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