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Tickets still available for Charlie Sheen’s tour

If you missed your chance to score tickets to Charlie Sheen‘s upcoming My Violent Torpedo of Truth — Defeat Is Not an Option tour, you might not be out of luck after all.

Our Charlie Sheen tiger-blood high seems to be officially over, judging from the thousands of tickets still available for his upcoming My Violent Torpedo of Truth — Defeat Is Not an Option tour.

Wait: We thought dates were selling out left and right. That’s partially true — they were selling out on paper.

Tickets are available to all of his shows in every price range,” a tour promoter told PopEater’s Rob Shuter. “Telling everyone all the tickets sold out in minutes is an old trick used by groups that buy blocks of tickets and then try to resell them at a higher price.”

“Everyone, including Charlie, got greedy, asking over $575 for some tickets,” an insider told Shuter. “They booked way too many dates at way too many venues, and then Charlie was all over TV giving it away for free. You go on TV to promote your show, to tease the public into buying tickets — but in Charlie’s case, he did so many interviews that folks have had enough. Now he won’t be able to give those tickets away for free.”

Sheen isn’t going to lose money on the tour. After all, a sold ticket is still a sold ticket. Sheen’s ego, however, might keep him from performing from a less-than-full audience.

“His ego couldn’t handle playing to a half-empty house. He would rather dump the entire tour than admit he’s losing,” the insider told Shuter.

Still winning, Charlie?

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