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The Vampire Diaries: Klaus comes calling!

Joseph Morgan, the man behind The Vampire Diaries kick-ass hybrid Klaus, dished all things Mystic Falls with SheKnows! Want to know what Morgan thinks about “The Original Family” and what secrets Klaus holds in his diary? Read on to find out!

For Joseph Morgan, stepping into the fangs-paws of Klaus onThe Vampire Diaries, a character that already had such a strong, non-physical presence, was a challenge — but a welcome one. As the sophomore season of the wildly popular series comes to a close, find out what Morgan had to say about life and death in Mystic Falls, his hopes for Klaus, and what secrets the meanest vampire of them all might be keeping in his diary!

Joseph Morgan on life and death in Mystic Falls!

SheKnows: The fans of The Vampire Diaries are going mad trying to figure out who’s going to die and who’s going to live in the end. Being one of the main components to how that plays out, can you tell us what we can expect?

Joseph Morgan: People we love are going to die. So, I think whatever happens there’s going to be some people breathing sighs of relief and other people tremendously upset. If The Vampire Diaries teaches us anything, it’s that anything can happen. I think we just have to be prepared for anything, really.

SheKnows: Provided Klaus stays on the map, do you think we might get to see his relationships evolve a little bit more and change?

Joseph Morgan: In real life, our relationships are constantly evolving and changing. He’s a force of nature, this guy. He can’t help but have an effect on everyone he meets or anyone he’s in a room with. Even going through something like the sacrifice, should he come out the other end, his connections with everyone involved, everyone that was there, will have changed.

SheKnows: If you watch closely, especially in the episode called Klaus, he seems to have had love or some type of light in his life at some point. Would you love for that to be explored?

Joseph Morgan: I mean, even if he doesn’t survive, there’s still flashbacks. I think that’s definitely something we should explore. I have a feeling that it’s all bound up with the curse. I have a feeling if we went back 1,000 years or so, when the curse was placed on Klaus, we would learn something about why he is so against love, why he believes it’s a vampire’s greatest weakness and why the doppelganger is involved in breaking the curse. I don’t know for sure any of this, but it’s all fascinating to me.

Joseph Morgan reveals his perfect Original family

SheKnows: Season three has been teased as the possible exploration of the Original family. Do you have any idea in your head as to what you would like the Originals to look like?

Joseph Morgan: We’ve got to see a couple of sisters, surely. Original females! That would be really interesting. I had talked to Julie [Plec] briefly about casting! I said, “You’ve got to put an offer out to Robert Knepper as the father of the Originals!” I just think that guy is terrifying! I think he’s a wonderful actor!

SheKnows: It feels like with the Originals we know, especially Klaus, you have this instinct to want to run away from them, but also their charm is so inviting.

Joseph Morgan: That’s great you mention that! That’s certainly something I was going for! I feel like this guy has such a knowledge of culture from being alive for 1,000-plus years, that he is charming. He’s an aristocrat, he’s a gentleman. I think there’s a charm to Elijah as well, certainly in how honorable he is.

joseph morgan on matt davis and klaus’ diary!

SheKnows: What’s more interesting for you to delve into? The old-world Klaus or modern-day Klaus?

Joseph Morgan: I thoroughly enjoyed old-world Klaus but I think modern-day Klaus is my favorite. What I was really excited about, was having Klaus interact with all these characters in Mystic Falls — the people we know and love. Klaus arriving in Mystic Falls is kind of like throwing a hand grenade and seeing what happens. That’s what I was excited about, his moment with each of these people.

SheKnows: A lot of people were talking about Klaus’ introduction through Alaric. Did you have input on how Matt Davis portrayed his mannerisms — how he spoke or moved his hands?

Joseph Morgan: Matt and I had a conversation, but I didn’t storm onto the set of The Vampire Diaries the first day and demand that he play my part in a certain way. We talked about character traits and I certainly put forward the idea that Klaus is very playful. The way I was planning to do it, was to play a lot with the stillness of the character. There’s a weight you acquire from being so old and so powerful. I think if you play the conflict of that playful, child-like nature along with the weight of the age and that power that comes from that, those are the two primary things. I thought he was great in what he did and it was pretty similar to what I was going for, so I think instinctually we both kind of arrived at the same place.

SheKnows: It was such a gelled union between him playing the character and you playing the character. It’s like there were no beats skipped — it was perfect!

Joseph Morgan: That’s wonderful to know! In the beginning I thought, “I’m gearing up to play this highly anticipated character but someone else is going to play it first for a few episodes. This is kind of not the ideal situation, how is this going to work?” But it actually couldn’t have worked better! It helped that Klaus was first talked about, then when he turned up it was in Alaric’s body and then we only saw him in flashbacks and then he finally arrived in Mystic Falls. There’s a lot of build-up there! I think Matt did a stand-up job and he helped tell the myth and legend of this character.

SheKnows: We have to get serious here for a moment. Elena and Stefan have their own diaries — if Klaus had his own diary, what type of secrets do you think he would have in there?

Joseph Morgan: He’s lived for so long he’d have a plethora of secrets written, or scrawled, in blood on an old parchment scroll. Or, maybe by now he would have uploaded it to his iPhone and have it all in the notes section, backed up on a hard drive somewhere in Europe! There really would be a tremendous amount of secrets that would be darker than any of ours. I’m hoping that in the coming episodes we might get an idea of what some of those might be.

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