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Casey Anthony to write advice book

In a further bizarre twist to the Casey Anthony story, she now has plans to write a book that is part advice/memoir/comedy/relationship tome, according to letters written to a former Orlando County Jail inmate. These letters were released by prosecutors preparing for her trial in 2010.

Acquitted of her daughter Caylee Anthony’s murder, Casey Anthony’s plans for freedom include a tell-all book which would be her chance to set the record straight about herself. This is yet another bizarre twist in a case that has captivated America and has been likened to the OJ Simpson trial of the 1990s.

Jailhouse letters that Casey Anthony penned to a fellow inmate, Robyn Adams, while incarcerated in the Orlando County Jail in 2008 and 2009 stated that she dreamed of setting the record straight about herself through a book. She stated, “It’s a way to settle many rumors and to share my insights about love, life and most important, God. Who knows?”

In her own words, she said she plans to write a “partial memoir/comedy/relationship advice book for those not in the know.”

Also detailed in the letters were Casey Anthony’s other deep desires as well, some of which were quite surprising.

She would love to have more children. She penned to Adams in one of 50 letters that were released, “Let’s get pregnant together? If it’s really possible to plan it.” Also, “I had a dream I was pregnant. It was like having Cays all over again (referring to daughter Caylee). I’ve thought about adopting, which even sounds weird to me saying it, but there are so many children that deserve to be loved.”

Anthony also revealed other tidbits in a story published by the UK’s Daily Mail, such as having her teeth whitened, being able to wear underwear “that fits” and becoming a “part of society” again after her release, as well as getting manicures and pedicures. “I want to embrace the many joys of being a lady,” she wrote. She also referred to starting her own business, stating, “When are we going to sit on the beach, drinking cocktails and planning our future business?”

Casey also expressed an interest in giving back by exclaiming, “I want to donate money to charities? Leukemia research, breast cancer, cervical cancer.”

But most importantly, she just needs a day out. “And girl, I could use a day at Target myself, just to walk around the store, to be a part of society. I want to go grocery shopping.”

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