Royal messes
Jennifer Lopez
Nine years after the release of Jenny from the Block, Jennifer Lopez reveals that you can take the girl out of the ghetto but you can’t take the ghetto out of the girl. She really thought it would be a great idea to wear a skin tight gown with half her stomach hanging out to meet the future King and Queen of England. This look is what is referred to as “school on Sunday” — no class.
Dana Delany
How sad. Dana Delany has either totally lost her vision in both eyes or has totally lost her mind and thought she was going to an Alice in Wonderland-themed drag party. She could not possibly have purposefully worn such a getup in public, let alone to meet royalty.
Jessica Chastain
Ladies, you shouldn’t even be going to the grocery store with your nipples popping up in people’s faces, let alone a black tie event. Especially not a black tie event with royalty. Come on now. Put on a bra for a couple of hours; it won’t kill you. Jessica Chastain‘s nipples could have poked out a royal eyeball.
Adriana M. Barraza /
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