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Casey Anthony has 72 hours to get back to Florida

Casey Anthony has three days to return to Florida from, well, wherever she is. A Florida judge ordered her back today and gave her 72 hours to make it happen.

If Casey Anthony wants to get help for her serious mental health issues, she’ll have to do it in Florida now. Orange County Judge Stan Strickland wants Anthony back in Florida, and she has three days to get there.

“She should be reporting to probation in Orlando probably within 72 hours,” Strickland said today.

People reports that Strickland signed amended court documents today, and they’re not in Anthony’s favor. She must serve one year of supervised probation in Florida for a check fraud conviction. Back in January, she pleaded guilty to the charges for spending $400 with a friend’s checks — without her permission. The goods: Lingerie, beer, sunglasses, and food.

So how did Anthony leave the state after her acquittal if she was on probation? Strickland said that after Casey Anthony was found not guilty of killing her daughter Caylee and released from jail, he intended for her to remain in Florida for one year of probation on the check fraud conviction. However, corrections officials apparently misunderstood Strickland’s original order, interpreting it to mean that Anthony served out her probation during her time in jail.

That’s not the case, though, as Strickland meant for her to begin probation after her release. We guess we’ll finally know where Casey Anthony is within the next three days.

Read on for more Casey Anthony news

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Casey Anthony mask sells for nearly $1 million on eBay
NBC: We won’t pay for Casey Anthony

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