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Final judgement: Casey Anthony must return to Florida

After a month long fight, a judge has made his final decision: Casey Anthony must return to Florida to serve probation.

Judge Belvin Perry has spoken: Casey Anthony must return to Florida to serve a year of probation on her check fraud conviction.


Anthony’s lawyers have been arguing for weeks that she already served her probation while in jail awaiting trial for the murder of her daughter Caylee — an assumption the judge rejected.

Her legal team also stated that Anthony would be in physical danger if she returned to the state where her trial took place, revealing multiple death threats against Tot Mom and her family.

“This Court is very mindful that it is a high probability that there are many that would like to see physical harm visited upon the Defendant,” the judge wrote in his ruling, citing a recent poll that found Casey Anthony is the most hated person in America.

Perry found Anthony’s excuse that she should not be held accountable for the clerical error causing the probation confusion to be total bunk.

“It is very clear [Anthony] and her attorney knew she was to start her probation upon release from the Orange County Jail. Despite this fact, they took advantage of a scrivener’s error which started the probation while she was being held in the jail pending trial,” Perry said.

“The defense should not be able to claim that they are now harmed by having [Anthony] serve probation at this time.”

Casey Anthony must report to her probation officer in Florida by August 26.

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