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January Jones’ TV son confirms she’s an ice queen

January Jones has a reputation for being somewhat of an ice queen and Jared Gilmore, the child star who plays her son on Mad Men, said that the actress was “unapproachable.” Ouch!

January Jones did not give child star Jared Gilmore the warm fuzzies when he played her TV son on the hit show Mad Men. Gilmore, who played Don and Betty Draper’s son Bobby, is leaving the show for another series and revealed what it was like working on the set.

When asked by TV Guide what advice he would give his replacement on the show, Gilmore said: “Be careful around January. She’s not as approachable as the others. She’s really serious about what she does.”

What about the rest of the cast, including Jon Hamm (Don Draper), Elisabeth Moss and Christina Hendricks? “Everyone else is so nice,” Gilmore said.

This isn’t the first time Jones has been called out for her not-so-nice behavior–Hangover actor Zach Galifianakis called her out for the way she acted.

“I was at a party—I’d never met her—and she was like, ‘Come sit down.’ So I sit at her table and talk for 10 minutes, and she goes, ‘I think it’s time for you to leave now.’ ” he recalls.”So, I say, ‘January, you are an actress in a show and everybody’s going to forget about you in a few years, so (expletive) be nice’ and I got up and left. And she thinks that’s funny?”

Also not a fan of Jones? Lost creator Damon Lindelof who tweeted she was good at “sucking at acting.”

Jones is currently pregnant with her first child, but is keeping the baby daddy a secret — but it’s probably safe to say we can rule out Galifianakis and Lindelof.

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