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Westboro Baptist Church announces Steve Jobs protest on iPhone

Westboro Baptist Church member Margie Phelps announced her group’s plans to picket Steve Jobs‘ funeral by using one of the tech giant’s most recognizable products.

Millions of people around the world are mourning the passing of Apple founder Steve Jobs. The technology visionary died on Wednesday after a long battle with pancreatic cancer.

Fans quickly descended on Twitter and Facebook to remember the man who created some of the most beloved tech products in the world. Some even created makeshift memorials at Apple stores around the world.

Tech industry heavyweights remember Steve Jobs>>

However, one group is celebrating Jobs’ death: The Westboro Baptist Church. The Wichita, Kansas-based group quickly announced that they would protest his funeral via a post on Twitter.

“Westboro will picket his funeral. He had a huge platform; gave God no glory & taught sin,” Margie Phelps wrote on her Twitter account.

Some eagle-eyed Jobs fans quickly realized that Phelps made the tweet… on her iPhone! Oh, the irony.

Don’t worry: Phelps had a reason for that.

“Rebels mad cuz I used iPhone to tell you Steve Jobs is in hell. God created iPhone for that purpose! :)” she wrote.

Steve Jobs funeral Friday

No word if the Westboro gang actually made it out to California for Jobs’ funeral. The Wall Street Journal is reporting that the Apple icon’s private funeral for family and friends is planned for today.

Apple’s current CEO Tim Cook told employees that they are “planning a celebration of Steve’s extraordinary life” in the coming weeks. No word on whether or not it will be a public memorial.

Images courtesy WENN and Wikimedia Commons

Read on for more Steve Jobs

How Steve Jobs changed music — for better and worse
Steve Wozniack and Bill Gates react to Steve Jobs’ death
5 Steve Jobs gadgets that changed the world forever

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