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Nicki Minaj duets with mini Super Bass stars

Nicki Minaj‘s young Super Bass fans got the surprise of their lives while appearing on The Ellen DeGeneres Show – a duet with their idol!

Nicki Minaj’s Super Bass has been taken over by tiny Sophia Grace and cousin Rosie. Their amazing cover (video below) took the young Nicki Minaj fans to the stage of The Ellen DeGeneres Show to show off their talent, where the tables were tuned and a major surprise appeared.

The 8-year-old Sophia Grace – and her 5-year-old cousin Rosie –have become Youtube sensations in a video viewed by over 7 million people worldwide, one of whom was Nicki Minaj. The one and only Ellen DeGeneres made the dreams of the Super Bass rapping princesses come true on Tuesday – meeting their idol!

After being treated to a shopping spree and making their first-ever visit to a salon, the girls were brought on stage by Ellen DeGeneres. The pair shrieked with delight as Nicki Minaj then walked out to join them.

“Within five seconds of seeing this video I was calling everyone,” the 28-year-old rapper told Sophia Grace and Rosie. “I was also receiving a billion emails. Everyone was like, ‘You have to see this little girl.’ She blew me away!”

Amid more shrieking and a solid dose of hugging the Super Bass star imparted this wisdom on her young imitators: “We feel like we are watching a journey that is amazing… I just want you to stay in school. Music is beautiful but stay in school, ok? Put your books first and singing second.”

First watch Sophia Grace and cousin Rosie cover Super Bass, then check out Nicki Minaj surprising the girls on The Ellen DeGeneres Show!

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Image via WENN

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