Kris Jenner is being called out by Denise Brown, the sister of murdered Nicole Brown Simpson, for lying and trying to profit off of Nicole’s death.
Kris Jenner is being blasted for writing about the murder of Nicole Brown Simpson by Nicole’s sister, Denise Brown, who says Kardashian is dredging up the painful past for profit.
According the National Enquirer, Brown called Jenner “pathetic” and says that she’s upset that she has “split open the healing wounds” of Brown’s family for profit.
In her book, Jenner claims that Denise Brown called her the day after her sister was found murdered to ask her about some photos that Nicole kept in a safety deposit box.
Simpson had taken the photos in question to document how O.J. Simpson had abused her. However, Brown claims that she didn’t even know about their existence until O.J.’s trial. Even if she had known about them, Brown says that the last thing on her mind when she found out that her sister had been murdered would have been to call Jenner to ask about them.
“I had just found out my sister was murdered,” Brown recalled. “The last thing on my mind was whether or not Nicole showed anyone any pictures she had in a safety deposit box. In fact, I didn’t even know my sister HAD a safety deposit box with pictures of her abuse until the beginning of O.J.’s trial — months after she was murdered.”
Brown added, “For her to write about it is like reliving it all over again. My poor mother is really taking it hard.”
But for the Kardashian clan — who reportedly raked in $65 million last year — Brown believes it’s all about money.
“Haven’t they made enough?” Brown said. “Nicole has been dead for 17 years. Please, Kris, don’t profit off of my sister’s horrible death.”
Image courtesy WENN
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