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Robert Wagner is a murder suspect — on NCIS

Robert Wagner‘s life just got a little more awkward, thanks to his appearance as a murder suspect on the CBS show NCIS.

Yikes, talk about bad timing. Actor Robert Wagner is guest starring on an episode of NCIS as a murder suspect, right as the investigation into Natalie Wood‘s death is reopened.

In the Tuesday episode, Wagner plays Anthony DiNozzo Sr., the father of Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo Jr., who was found with a dead navy officer in his trunk. He’s appeared on the show before as the same character.

The appearance on the popular CBS show comes ahead of Wagner’s appearance on the network’s episode of 48 Hours that delves into Wood’s mysterious 1981 death. The couple was yachting with actor Christopher Walken during Thanksgiving week when she apparently fell off the boat and drowned. The LAPD said that Wagner isn’t a suspect in the reopened case, though he vows to cooperate with any police investigation.

“Nobody knows,” he wrote in his 2008 memoir, Pieces of My Life. “There are only two possibilities; either she was trying to get away from the argument, or she was trying to tie the dinghy. But the bottom line is that nobody knows exactly what happened.”

“Did I blame myself? If I had been there, I could have done something. But I wasn’t there. I didn’t see her.”

The biggest mystery? What the police hope to accomplish by reopening the case. The yacht’s captain — Dennis Davern — went public last week, admitting that he lied to cops about the night the West Side Story stunner died.

“It’s an exercise in futility,” a source from the district attorney’s office told TMZ. “I just don’t get it.”

Image courtesy WENN

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