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“Raunchier” Breaking Dawn sex scene eyed for DVD release

The sex scene saga is just one of many Twilight controversies, both on and off the set of Breaking Dawn — Part 1. Now devoted fans of the franchise could get a sneak peek at extended footage of Edward and Bella’s honeymoon that ended up on the cutting room floor.

Now this is what we call a “special feature!” Twihards may get the chance to view a very grown-up version of Edward and Bella’s long-awaited sex scene once The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn — Part 1 hits retailers’ shelves on DVD.

Bill Condon, the Academy Award-winning lensman behind the number one movie in America, set off buzz around the water cooler when he removed a “really intense” sex scene between supposed real-life lovers (hint, nudge, wink) Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart (in character as Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cullen) initially featured in the first installment of the two-part Twilight finale. The first cut of Breaking Dawn was given an R-rating for what Condon described as “thrusting” during Edward and Bella’s simulated lovemaking. The director in turn removed the raunchy scene in order to secure the current and more favorable PG-13-rating.

“It was so much more about romance than it was about hot-and-heavy action, so it was a very kind of simple adjustment to make,” he told MTV News of the move.

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But Melissa Rosenberg, the screenwriter who adapted all of Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight novels for the big screen, told the network that she hopes the extended version of the honeymoon sex scene will make its way onto Breaking Dawn’s DVD release. According to Rosenberg, “there was a whole section before the wedding with Charlie, Renee and Carlisle and Edward, kind of a back-and-forth, but it just slowed everything down. But there are some nice things in there.”

Rosenberg added: “…These are things that will show up someday.”

By show of hands, how many Twihards would be interested in checking out the more explicit version of Edward and Bella’s lovefest? Don’t be bashful now. Show yourselves!

Image courtesy Summit Entertainment

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