Liza Palmer
I stopped being punitive with resolutions these past couple of years. No more with the losing, depriving and disciplinary declarations toward myself masked as “celebrations.” Yay! Cheers to the New Year — now, let’s change everything about you that makes you unique and airbrush out those inconvenient characteristics that make you stand out.
What I hope for in this New Year is that I will live in wonder. That I’ll allow myself pleasure and happiness however it’s delivered: singing along with “terrible” pop songs, watching large ensemble cast movies with no discernible plot (but great locations and wardrobes), tearing up during coffee commercials, belly laughing at dumb jokes and standing up for things even when it’s not the popular thing to do.
This year is going to be about excavation. Figuring out who I am in my most pure form. I’ll make a point to ask that question very few women pose: What do I want?
In this New Year, I hope I don’t blend in, and I hope with all my heart I understand that’s a good thing.
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