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Kardashian slavery denial is “ridiculous” says expert

The Kardashians deny their businesses are based on slave labor — but one human rights expert says that is “ridiculous.” Read on to find out why.

Are the Kardashians slave drivers? Human rights organizations say that several of the Kardashian retail lines use slave labor in their factories — a charge the family denies. Who’s right?

“That is absurd and ridiculous,” Charlie Kernaghan of the Institute for Global Labor and Human Rights said of the Kardashians’ denial. “The workers have absolutely zero rights. It is a miserable life without a doubt.”

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“I would be clearly stunned if these factories were even minimally decent because that isn’t how China operates,” Kernaghan told Star magazine.

“If they are proud of these factories and they respect human rights then why don’t they provide a list of the factories and their addresses to the American people?”

“When we put our people in factories we find human rights violations, terrifically high production quotas and people being driven like slaves. They treat people like animals.”

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“We have not yet been in the factories, we don’t have 100 percent proof that these clothing lines are being made under sweatshop conditions, but I can say if there is even a 10 percent chance that this is a well done factory that is not my experience,” Kernaghan said.

“My experience is these factories are rotten, miserable sweatshops. They hide these factories for a reason. Never in a million years would I give any credence that there is a remote chance that these factories are humane conditions. They are in China for a reason.”

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Not all Kardashian products are affected by the charge. The group is specifically targeting the high-end K-Dash line, the Kris Jenner Kollection on QVC and the family’s shopping service ShoeDazzle.

Image courtesy Judy Eddy/

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