Beyonce‘s due date isn’t believed to be until early 2012, but that doesn’t mean her baby-to-be is going without this Christmas. Both she and Jay-Z have bought gifts for the bun in the oven!
Beyonce and Jay-Z have a strict rule on Christmas Day that makes everyone focus on the family. “Christmas Day is a no-TV zone,” the mother-to-be shared recently; “We just like to sit and talk together as a family.”
So what does the pregnant singer have stashed away under the tree for her rapping husband? “I can’t say, it has to be a surprise!” Beyonce said. “Seriously, though, we both keep seeing super-cute stuff for the baby, so I am sure even our presents for each other will involve the baby in some way!”
Perhaps Jay-Z, who landed a place on our list of Top 10 most extravagant celebrity holiday gifts for purchasing $350,000 worth of Hermes Birkin bags, has a designer diaper bag all picked out for Christmas morning.
The parents-to-be aren’t the only ones buying for the baby either. Kelly Rowland, who told the world Beyonce is expecting a girl, has baby shopping fever as well. Beyonce laughingly shared, “Also Kelly has been so busy buying gifts for the baby, I think she might forget to buy for me this year! She is always seeing cute gifts for the baby in London.”
After the oodles of gifts have been opened, Beyonce and Jay-Z spend the remainder of Christmas Day making the most of time with family and friends. “I will be with family,” the expectant singer says. “We are both so busy throughout the year that Christmas is just a time to relax with family and count the many blessings in your life.”
Though some had speculated Beyonce’s due date could fall on Christmas Day, it sounds as if everyone is expecting a quiet, labor-free holiday at home!
More Beyonce news:
Beyonce’s mom: Nobody talks about my grandbaby like that
Beyonce’s pregnancy cravings: No hot sauce and bananas
Will Beyonce’s baby be a Christmas miracle?
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