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Why Steven Tyler changed his mind about monogamy

Steven Tyler never thought he’d get married again — but Erin Brady changed his mind about monogamy in a very wise way. Read on to find out what she said to make him rethink his stance.

What drove Steven Tyler back to monogamy from a debauchery-filled rock star life after two failed marriages? A little game of “What’s good for the goose” says his new fiancee Erin Brady.

Both Tyler and Brady sat down with Oprah Winfrey on her new show Oprah’s Next Chapter to talk about their relationship and why it works — and Brady revealed her very powerful trick.

“I just said, ‘Hey listen, if you play, I’m gonna play,'” Brady said. “He didn’t really like when he was on the other side of that scenario.”

“It’s a little easier for a relationship when it’s played like a game like that,” Tyler said. “As opposed to ‘don’t break the rules.'”

“I may come off as a sexual animal, and I definitely am on stage, ’cause trust me, I feel it myself,” he gloated. “But I’m not really, really that. I’ll sing about it, I put it out there but I’m not,” he reasoned. “I’d like to go on a schtupping spree and screw every girl I see, that would want to have me, who wouldn’t? But I don’t. I want [Erin] for my own, and if that’s gonna take that away from it, I don’t [do it].”

Tyler is twice divorced, and it sounds like he has learned a valuable lesson from those experiences. “For all the divorces I’ve had, I hurt those girls deeply, and there was some behavior that I’m ashamed of and I shouldn’t have done,” Tyler admitted to Oprah. “I don’t want to hurt anybody again.”

The American Idol judge wed Cyrinda Foxe in 1978 and had daughter Mia Tyler together. They divorced in 1997; Foxe died of brain cancer in 2002. His 1998 marriage to clothing designer Teresa Barrick ended in 2005. A near one night stand with model Bebe Buell resulted in Liv Tyler, whom the rocker didn’t know was his daughter for many years.

As for Brady, she takes all the female attention Tyler receives in stride. When fans throw lipstick and panties on stage, she totally scores.

“I really like it when they fit me and the lipstick looks good on my skin,” she joked.

Steven Tyler and Erin Brady got engaged over the Christmas holiday.

Image courtesy DJDM /

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