In her latest novel, Wendy Wax tackles the difficult question of what to do when you’ve lost everything through three strong, vibrant women.
Avery, Madeleine and Nicole have just one very important thing in common: They share ownership of a house at 10 Beach Road. After each lost their life savings to Ponzi schemer Malcolm Dyer, this restitution is small and unwelcome. After all, what are these three women to do with a crumbling house?
For Avery, it’s just another indication that her life is falling apart. Not only was she sidelined on her own TV show, transformed from an intelligent woman with a degree in architecture to a glorified model wearing busty tops, but now she’s lost every penny she humiliated herself for. And Madeleine must face the fact that her husband has been lying to her, her children are spoiled and now she is left alone to find some money in this house for her family. But for Nicole, it’s even worse, for Malcolm Dyer was her beloved brother. He stole all her money, just like those of his clients, and she has to come to terms with the fact that he chose to run, rather than face justice.
When Avery, Madeleine and Nicole come together at their new property, they resolve to fix the house up. After all, each needs the money from the sale, but they know it will fetch little if they put it on the market in its current condition. These three women pour their blood, sweat and tears into the house as they try to save their fortunes, and along the way, learn to save themselves.
More reading
Must-read: Miracle Beach by Erin Celello
Must-read: The Bungalow by Sarah Jio
Must-read: Across the Universe by Beth Revis
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