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Jersey Shore recap: GTL can’t keep MVP together

Well folks, it’s a sad, tan world at the Jersey Shore tonight. Vinny has packed his bags and headed home, but not before Pauly D and Ron-Ron tried to cheer him up with stuffed animals and a spa day. Apparently, bromance does not conquer all.

Snooki’s boyfriend gets in The Situation’s pants

The night kicked off at Aztec, where the Jersey Shore crew fist pumped their way to a drunken mess. As usual, Snooki had 10 too many drinks, and much to our relief, Jionni was there to prevent any kooka sightings.

Mike had a situation of his own when Paula, an old hook-up from Season 1, made an unplanned appearance at the club. He and his shore thing headed back to the house along with the rest of the gang, who “ran for their lives” in the rain. You’d think with all the hairspray and tanning lotion they’d be waterproof, but apparently there’s nothing more frightening to a guido or guidette than flat hair and a streaky tan.

Talking food and mommy love with Jersey Shore’s Vinny >>

From there, things took a turn for the awkward when Jionni borrowed boxers and a shirt from Sitch since his clothes were soaked and then cooked him breakfast. Just like any faithful girlfriend, Snooki decided to go upstairs and spend some quality time with her guilty conscience while puppy dog Jionni following close behind.

Bling bandit: Diamonds are a girl’s best friend

Keeping things classy, Pauly D’s lady friend decided to take home a sparkly souvenir after smushing  – his diamond and gold chain. Pauly tore apart the house looking for his necklace the next morning, confused as to how it managed to disappear. Thankfully, the future Lindsay Lohan honest young woman returned later in the day (why wasn’t she wearing pants?) with a story about how she “forgot” to give it back to Pauly on her way home the night before. Snooki, ever the observant roommate, saw right through mystery girl’s act and concluded she took it on purpose so she could see Pauly again. Pauly ushered the clepto out of the house and told the camera he was going to frisk all females when they leave, from now on and from there, the focus shifted entirely to Vinny.

Vinny’s choice : From T-shirt time to tears

As we saw last week, Vinny wasn’t sure if he could stick it out for another summer at the shore. Still in a funk, he decided to open up to boss man Danny about his struggle with anxiety and revealed the stress of living at the house was taking it’s toll on him. Despite a boy’s day out with Ron and Pauly, complete with heart-to-hearts, pedicures and time on the boardwalk, Vinny said he couldn’t see the point in staying.

With his mind made up, Vinny called a cab to take him home once the roommates left for Karma. Pauly, who stayed home to talk to Vinny, helped him pack his things and made an unsuccessful attempt to get his best buddy to rethink his decision. In the interest of his health, Vinny climbed into the cab as Pauly looked on, visibly concerned and saddened for his brother’s departure.

An uncertain future: Is Vinny gone for good?

In next week’s preview, Vinny returns home to his mom while the girls make Pauly D a birthday cake but not the Situation, despite their birthdays being days apart. While the drama is sure to continue with or without Vinny, we can’t help but hope he finds his way back to the shore soon, if not for our viewing pleasure, but for Pauly D. After all, wouldn’t it be perfect if Vinny came back in time for his birthday?

Tell us: do you think Vinny should have stayed at the Shore? Sound off in the comment section below!

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