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Russell Brand: Katy Perry divorce isn’t newsworthy

Russell Brand has dropped his marriage but picked up a new TV show. As the latest to take a swipe at the late night talk show world, Brand will be talking about tons of current events. Will his own private life qualify?

Russell Brand says his new show Strangely Uplifting will only cover his private life if he does something newsworthy — and his divorce from Katy Perry does not qualify.

At an FX press junket for the upcoming show, Brand was asked if he would address incidents from his own life on the show in a thinly-veiled reference to his split from Perry. Brand responded, “I think there will be an inevitable biographical element because you can’t speak from anyone’s perspective but your own.”

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“Potentially at the risk of plunging myself into a post-structuralist, postmodern vortex, I could analyze myself while I was doing it or if I did something newsworthy during the show. If I had done something actually newsworthy, in some bizarre world, then I would cover it. But if it was just more lacquered nonsense designed to distract us from truth, then I would wisely ignore it.”

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When asked how he was holding up, Brand rambled, “Are you asking because of recent events? You are making the mistake of seeing time as linear. The brilliant American author Kurt Vonnegut, he’ll tell you that if you imagine reality as experienced simultaneously, events become redundant.”

“I don’t see myself or my role as a malevolent jester attacking people who are already disenfranchised. All I want is to make people feel better than they do now. All I want is to make people laugh.”

Russell Brand announced his split from Katy Perry at the end of December after 14 months of marriage. Strangely Uplifting is set for an April premiere on FX.

Image courtesy Spiller/

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