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Jersey Shore’s Vinny: “Maybe I’ll be back

Is Vinny gone from Jersey Shore for good? Not so fast, he says.

Pauly D and the rest of the Jersey Shore gang were devastated when Vinny Guadagnino decided to ditch the shore house for Staten Island during last week’s show. The previews for this week’s episode show the roommates getting on without their well-endowed friend — but is it for good?

Guadagnino called in to the Johnjay and Rich radio show on Wednesday to talk about his departure and hinted that he might not be gone for good.

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“So you left the HOUSE, not the show, is that correct?” the radio jocks asked Vin.

“That’s an accurate statement,” he replied. It makes sense — clips from Jersey Shore previews show Guadagnino with his beloved mom.

He also revealed that he was just “burned out” on all the partying and demands of the show.

“When you see me not wanting to bang chicks anymore, you know something is wrong,” he joked, adding that he’s “gotta get home, get better. Maybe I’ll come back.”

You know what that means: He’ll definitely be back at the house before the season is over. It’s not entirely surprising — his return was well-documented by media over the summer.

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“Vinny and the cast went to dinner and a club… in an effort to heal the deep psychological wounds between them — and apparently it worked,” TMZ reported.

The crew behind the hit show wasn’t too amped to have him back, though — they said he was a “pain in the ass,” according to the entertainment website.

Oh, Vinny — is your inflated ego the real reason you left the show?

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Do you think Vinny will come back to the Jersey Shore?

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