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Justin Bieber tweets to save lives!

The boy wonder, Justin Bieber, put his tweets to charitable use once again after a plea from one of his fans caught his attention.

Canadian pop star Justin Bieber jumped to action after a Belieber asked him to spread the word about organ donation to his followers.

Helene Campbell, a 20-year-old Ottawa resident in need of a double lung transplant, tweeted Bieber in order to raise awareness about organ donations and giving blood. Under the Twitter handle “@alungstory,” Campbell tweeted last week:

“Hey @justinbieber! I BELIEB you should use that Canadian voice of yours and help save lives like mine #beanorgandonor #giveblood.”

Bieber quickly responded to the young woman, tweeting, “i got the word….you have amazing strength. i got u. #BeAnOrganDonor.”

And he didn’t stop there; he later followed with, “help spread the word for @alungstory #BeAnOrganDonor.”

The singer’s tweet exchange with Campbell was no doubt seen by a humble portion of his 16.7 million followers.

From last Thursday (the day Bieber retweeted Campbell) to Tuesday, a thousand people had registered online to become donors through Ontario’s Trillium Gift of Life Network, according to their Twitter account.

“You have made a huge impact, not only on my life, but for many others in need of the gift of life now and in the future!” Campbell thanked Bieber for the impressive boost in Ontario registered donors.

“Helene Campbell is very courageous,” Ronnie Gavsie, President and CEO of the organization told E! News. “There are over 1500 people in Ontario waiting for a life-saving organ transplant. On behalf of all them and Trillium Gift of Life Network, thank you, Helene and thank you ,Justin Bieber! In Ontario, if you have a signed donor card, you still need to register. Visit to register or check to be sure you are indeed a registered donor.”

Always spreading a bit of hope, good old Justin “Heart-of-Gold” Bieber.

Photo courtesy of: Daniel Deme /

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