Justin Bieber has answered the plea of Helene Campbell — a 20-year-old Belieber in need of a double lung transplant — by raising awareness among his legion of fans about organ donation and giving blood.
He can’t walk on air or turn water to wine (give him time), but Justin Bieber is doing his part to save lives by encouraging fans to become organ donors.
Helene Campbell is a 20-year-old Belieber in need of a double lung transplant. These days, Campbell feels indebted to the Biebs after the King of Tweens used his fame on Twitter to raise awareness about organ donation and giving blood.
“Hey @Justinbieber! I BELIEB you should use that Canadian voice of yours and help save lives like mine #beaorgandonor beadonor.ca @giveblood,” Helene wrote under the Twitter handle @alungstory.
The tween pop star answered her plea. J.B. was quick to retweet the message to over 16 million of his followers.
“I got the word…You have amazing strength. I got u. #BeAnOrganDonor,” he wrote back.
After Helene thanked Justin for making such a “huge impact” with his tweet, he responded, “Glad to be able to help. Best part of what I do.”
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It turned out to be a very huge impact indeed.
The Ontario-based Trillium Gift of Life Network — the city’s central organ and tissue donation agency — saw its daily donation registrations rise to over 1,200 people in the hours after Helene and Justin’s Twitfest.
That’s about four times the amount the network usually receives. And the numbers keep on rising.
“On an average day we would expect about 50 new online registrations,” Trillium’s President and CEO Ronnie Gavsie said in a statement on Wednesday. “Since Helene’s campaign began last Thursday, the average has been closer to 200 per day!”
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Justin’s fans are working to give back the same way their pop idol so readily does. Several of Bieber’s biggest fan groups, as well as the nonprofit Together We Rise and Brush Buddies (the creators behind the singing Bieber toothbrush), have all teamed up to work on a charity single.
Proceeds from the still-untitled song will benefit Bieber’s Believe charity drive. The tune is expected to drop around March 1, just in time for Justin’s 18th birthday.
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