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Kim Kardashian breaks down over marriage breakdown

The short marriage of Kim Kardashian came to a head on the season finale of Kourtney and Kim Take New York last night as the reality star finally admitted her fairy tale was ending.

Waterproof mascara was in short supply on last night’s episode of Kourtney and Kim Take New York as then-still-new bride Kim Kardashian finally spoke the words out loud: Her marriage was a failure.

After an awkward dinner during which Kim and hubby Kris Humphries have nothing to say to each other and an even more awkward convo about him moving into her Los Angeles home, Kim totally broke down about the sad state of her already-tattered marriage.

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“I’m not happy. I don’t know what to do. I’m trying,” she told Khloe Kardashian.

“You don’t think I feel embarrassed that I fell in love and I really thought I was and I look back now and it’s not what I want?” Kim asked her sis.

“I fell in love with a guy and, like, it’s not what I thought it would be,” she cried. “Everyone sees I’m a different person. I’m such a b***h. Like, I’m just not myself and I’m not happy and it happened way too fast. I didn’t know him.”

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“He’s everything on paper that I want, but my heart isn’t connecting,” she said through her tear-smeared mascara.

“Do I end it right now?”

We all know the answer to that one. Kim announced her intent to divorce Kris just 72 days after their multi-million dollar wedding.

Image courtesy Ivan Nikolov/

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