Courtney isn’t the only lady playing a wicked game on The Bachelor. Keep reading to find out why Chris Harrison is calling Casey S. out this week, putting her in the hot seat with Ben Flajnik.
Poor Ben Flajnik is turning into The Bachelor‘s most gullible contestant in the history of the show. It’s a good thing he’s pretty.
Not only is The Bachelor‘s Ben Flajnik carrying on with Courtney, a girl who is this season’s version of Jekyll and Hyde (sweet one minute, nasty the next), but he’s about to get another shock from a girl who flew completely under the radar — Casey S.!
On this week’s episode of The Bachelor, Chris Harrison makes a decision to confront Casey about a secret from her pre-Bachelor days that she’s been keeping.
We’re going to let this one play out and see how it goes, but the good word is that Chris Harrison confronts her about a boyfriend situation.
Is there anyone else who feels like Courtney is going to be the one sitting at the end of all this with a shiny Neil Lane ring? Something tells us she may continue to escape the hot seat, while other ladies are put right into the fire.
Check out a preview of this week’s episode of The Bachelor…
Now that we’re down to nine lucky ladies, what is your take on the situation? Do you think critics have been too harsh on Courtney’s no-holds-barred attitude or does she deserve to go home for her antics?
What about Ben Flajnik? Is he being played or is he just a hopeless romantic hoping for the best in a crazy situation?
Head over to our comments section and sound off over who your favorite Bachelor girl for Ben Flajnik is.
We know you have an opinion, so why not use it?
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