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Red hot memoir of the month: Poser

Each month we invite you to meet a fascinating new person by reading a buzz-worthy memoir or biography. This month, we want you to meet Claire Dederer and her life in twenty-three yoga poses – a memoir about way more than yoga.

by Claire Dederer

When Claire Dederer had to wean her daughter at only 10 months because of back troubles, she was devastated. So she did what every hip Seattle supermom would do — she signed up for yoga classes. Poser, now out in paperback, tells the funny and poignant story of how Dederer stepped off the path of perfection and found peace with her deepest weaknesses.

Like many 21st-century women, Dederer was determined to have it all: good marriage, smart children, satisfying career and green living. She was sure yoga would give her the peace and strength to keep the different spheres of her life running smoothly. What she learned instead was that the road to being a better person in all her roles (mother, wife, friend and professional) meant accepting her flaws and doing things in her own imperfect way.

Poser is not a yoga how-to. This memoir is a smart, irreverent look at the plight of a contemporary woman who finally took a moment to stop and take a deep breath.

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Book passages: Pick your favorite

A quotation from Poser appears on Beth Fish Reads.

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