Ay, ay! What a surprise! In a bout of kindness, the Canuck government granted Lindsay Lohan a work permit to film the Liz Taylor film in Toronto.
Lock up your fathers and sons, and hide the liquor! Lindsay Lohan is a-coming to Canada!
Oh yes! Holy flaming lips of success! Why the heck not? Lohan landed a role in Glee, hosted SNL and finished her probation. Even Stephen Harper could not resist this little redheaded scandal machine any longer.
Although the Canadian government is like a stubborn mule and rarely grants work permits to anyone with a criminal record (like Russell Brand), it seemed to have a change of heart in light of Lohan’s recently composed behaviour and granted the actress a work permit for the upcoming Elizabeth Taylor biopic, to be filmed in Toronto.
Lohan is no stranger to the tapping of maple syrup, a euphemism for filming in Canada. It so happens that Mean Girls, Freaky Friday and The Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen were all filmed in Canuckland, whaddya know?
Even our government is rooting for Lin-Lins — how can we not? You go girl! Climb that mountain, trample that competition!
Photo courtesy of: WENN.com
More on Lindsay Lohan:
Lindsay Lohan’s plans for SNL
Lindsay Lohan sued over alleged hit-and-run
Pitbull sues Lohan, accuses attorney of plagiarism
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