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The smell of Fame: Details of Gaga’s perfume

Would you like to smell like Lady Gaga? Then this perfume may be right for you. The singer’s Fame perfume’s packaging has been revealed, along with some details.

Is nothing sacred anymore? Can’t celebrities keep even their mediocre perfume lines secret before release? The judicial system is failing us…

The editor-in-chief of Flare magazine, Lisa Tant, has betrayed undisclosed information about Lady Gaga‘s perfume, Fame, to her Twitter following, even revealing a photo of the bottle. Le gasp.

Initially it was rumoured that the scent would reek of — wait for it — blood and semen, which, surprisingly, turned out to be not true. Gaga was quoted as saying the perfume “smells like an expensive hooker.” But really, that’s when you know you have a success on your hands.

In retaliation, the songstress took to her own Twitter, tweeting, “Looks like photos of my perfume are being leaked. Oh you fashion editors I could just crinkle my hands at you!”

How does one crinkle one’s hands? Sounds like a very painful morphing procedure…

So, what does this delight smell like for realsies?

According to the back of the packaging, it contains “tears of belladonna, crushed heart of tiger orchidea with a black veil of incense, pulverized apricot and the combinative essences of saffron and honey drops.”

Sound like the contents of an Italian opera. What do tears of belladonna smell like, exactly? The scientists are baffled.

What do you think? Would you wear Fame?

Photo courtesy of

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