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Dennis Rodman is so broke he might go to jail

Dennis Rodman may be a member of the NBA Hall of Fame, but his bank account troubles are now legendary: Rodman owes over $860,000 in child and spousal support. He faces jail time if he can’t get caught up by May 29.

Back in 2004, Dennis Rodman‘s financial life seemed pretty good. He was able to spend more than $31,000 a month on partying, owned a few multi-million dollar homes and several cool man-toys like a speedboat and a Hummer. Rodman might long for those days since recent court paperwork shows Dennis owes $860,376 in child support and alimony to ex-wife Michelle Rodman. Dennis is ordered to pay over $10,000 each month for his ex-wife and children.

This is the first time Dennis faces jail time for arrears. Rodman’s attorney, Linnea Willis, says the orders are unrealistic given the NBA star’s current earning potential.

The LA Timesspoke with Rodman’s financial advisor, Peggy Williams. She calls Rodman ” a sweet person” and feels sorry for him. Peggy explained his cash flow problems are directly related to his long battle with substance abuse. She told the Times, “His addiction impacts his ability to get work.”

In court documents, Williams was also blunt about the state of Rodman’s financial affairs. “This year, Dennis may only make $50,000 a year.” Ouch. That’s a big fall. Dennis earned over $550,000 just a few years ago.

Rodman was a star on the third season of Celebrity Rehab in 2009. He first entered rehab in 2008.

Williams believes Rodman’s financial woes are in large part due to his emotional turmoil over the divorce. “This case, especially his wife filing for divorce, has put him on a binge that I have never seen before.”

Dennis is certainly no stranger to legal trouble. In November 1999 he was arrested with Carmen Electra after the pair’s fighting landed them both with a misdemeanor charge for domestic disturbance. A month later he was arrested for a DUI. In 2003 and 2008, Rodman was arrested for domestic violence.

In addition to the over $860,000, Dennis Rodman also owes over $350,000 in back taxes.

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