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Etsy roundup: Spring wreaths

Etsy is an online marketplace where hundreds of thousands of creative people from more than 150 countries sell their handmade crafty goodness. Each week, we’re featuring a handful of our favorite items in our Etsy Roundup. On the menu this week: spring wreaths.

Etsy roundup

Spring decor for your door!

Etsy is an online marketplace where hundreds of thousands of creative people from more than 150 countries sell their handmade crafty goodness. Each week, we’re featuring a handful of our favorite items in our Etsy Roundup. On the menu this week: spring wreaths.

Wreaths are great for winter and we featured them in our winter wreaths roundup, but now that spring is in the air, it’s time to make a change and adorn your door with a fabulous spring wreath. We headed to Etsy to find great handmade wreaths to welcome the new season — and your guests.

Yarn-wrapped felt
flowers spring wreath

Etsy seller Wreathink Gifting (find her on Twitter) made it very difficult to choose just one of her fabulous spring wreaths, but this yarn-wrapped flowers spring wreath stood out as just so, well, spring-y! It’s wrapped in brown yarn, with a green leafy sprig running up the side, complemented by a large cluster of felt flowers at the bottom of the wreath.

Bird on a branch
spring yarn wreath

If you prefer a simple and sweet spring wreath, check out this bird on a branch spring yarn wreath by Etsy seller Modern Art by Anna Hailey (find her on Facebook). This is a great wreath for your front door, but you can also hang it indoors.

Spring carnation wreath

We’ve featured Etsy seller A Work of Hart SA (find the sister team on TwitterFacebook or on their blog, A Work of Heart) on our roundup twice before, but we certainly couldn’t leave the duo off of our spring wreath roundup when they offer great options like this spring carnation wreath. It features dozens of carnations in shades of purple, rose, yellow and pink-tipped cream surrounding a straw wreath base. It’s topped off with a lovely yellow ribbon bow hanger.

Boxwood spring wreath

“A wreath on your door makes your home smile,” says Etsy seller Two Inspire You, and we couldn’t agree more. This lovely and unusual boxwood spring wreath combines boxwood and burlap to make a simple yet elegant statement. The square shape is a nice break from a traditional round wreath and the single color is striking.

Find more handmade items in our weekly Etsy roundup >>

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