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Dr. Oz is the man for a Woman’s Day cover first

For the first time in over 30 years, a man has the honor of being on the cover of Woman’s Day magazine. Who has broken the decades-strong female streak? The one and only Dr. Oz!

After 30 years of female faces gracing the cover of Woman’s Day magazine, a male mug has been granted the honor. Dr. Oz is featured on the publication’s May issue, sharing a bit about his early life, the learning curve he struggled with and his lovely wife of 27 years.

“Every day in elementary school, I would get off the bus and kids would pick on me,” Dr. Mehmet Oz told Woman’s Day of his younger years. “I was in so many fights, I thought the principal’s office was a classroom… I thought I had to prove something because I came into an environment as an outsider… When you’ve been an outsider, you never forget what it feels like. It’s an instant and lifelong way to connect with people, especially when they’re feeling different.”

Though he’s now seen daily on The Dr. Oz Show, the cardiothoracic surgeon wasn’t an automatic fit for television. “When I started doing TV, I was a terrible communicator,” the 51-year-old, who managed to mention poop 15 times in a single appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show, admitted frankly. “I’d talk to women who had bad things happen in their lives, and I’d just jump in with answers instead of fully listening to them first.”

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Crediting his wife of 27 years with helping him learn, Dr. Oz added, “In many ways, it was about working through a lesson my wife, Lisa, has been trying to teach me throughout our marriage: You don’t fix a feeling, you hear a feeling.”

Speaking of their secret to marriage longevity he shared, “I sometimes say that in 27 years of marriage, I’ve been married to three different women, and Lisa’s been married to three different men: The student, the surgeon and the talk show host. People do change during a lifetime, and we should view this as a positive instead of panicking and backing away. We don’t want to stay static, because it’s dynamism and newness that keep attraction and a marriage strong.”

For more with Dr. Oz, pick up the May issue of Woman’s Day, on newsstands April 10!

Image via Brian Doben for Woman’s Day

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